a special series about what motherhood means to the mom who has experienced pregnancy or infant loss

what is motherhood?

“Hearing from other mothers who can understand the otherwise unfathomable depth of pain was life giving. It helped me work through the many complex layers of grief and loss and still finding joy while doing it.”

— Lauren, Life-Limiting Diagnosis Mom

free workbook

consider your motherhood journey in a new way and find hope & healing in your journey

The workbook covers 4 weeks and coordinates with the “What is motherhood?” series. 

meet our guests


  • Kristin is a writer, podcaster, and mother to six children––one in her arms and five with Jesus. She is the author of Sunlight in December: A Mother's Story of Finding the Goodness of God in the Storm of Grief and the cohost of the Through the Lens Podcast. Kristin has walked through infertility, miscarriages, and the loss of an infant, and is passionate about sharing hope with grieving women. She enjoys sunny days outside with family, connecting with friends over coffee, roller coasters, and telling others about Jesus' goodness in the midst of suffering. Kristin lives in Southern California with her husband and living son.

    Listen to Kristin’s interview: No. 132


    Website | Instagram | Buy Kristin’s Book: Sunlight in December *affiliate link

  • Aimee has served as a volunteer coordinator at the SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, NC since 2019. Previously she worked as a systems engineer and project manager in the aerospace industry for 5+ years in Oklahoma, where she grew up. She and her husband Daniel have been married since 2011 and have two children. Their first child Ginny was unexpectedly stillborn at 35 weeks in February 2019. Ginny’s little brother Chet was born in July 2020. Aimee, Daniel, and Chet enjoy making each other laugh, strolling through the neighborhood, FaceTiming family, and remembering Ginny together.

    Listen to Aimee’s interview: No. 133


    Website | Instagram

  • My name is Micayla Lyons, and I am a Christian, wife, mama to our sweet babies, Nora Marjorie and Baby Bean in heaven, and a mental health counselor. I love Jesus and my family abundantly, and am passionate about mental health advocacy, and now, pregnancy loss advocacy.


    Website | Instagram 




  • I recently celebrated my 60th birthday. I have been a nurse, mostly in pediatrics since 1982. I work part time at CJW Medical Center, 12 hour nights. My husband Carl and I will be married 39 years in June. Our firstborn died at the age of 4 days. We have 2 sons, one daughter-in-law and 2 fabulous grandsons. I love to sing and sing barbershop with the Greater Richmond Chorus in addition to singing with the DBC Chancel choir. I enjoy a good cup of coffee, reading, bargain shopping, Disney, and being with my friends and family, especially my grandsons.



  • Follower of Jesus, married to Cam, mama to two kids through adoption. I spend my days homeschooling, writing, mentoring, making too much cold brew coffee, finding splashes of light, and overthinking things. I feel like the most forgetful Christian, so I write to remember and name the goodness of God and to unknot the places inside me that worry with doubt and hope.


    Website | Instagram

  • Meg is a wife and a mom continually discovering how knowing God matters for her actual life. After nearly a decade in campus ministry, Meg now spends her days writing and investing in her littlest two at home while longing for her oldest two in Heaven - one she held for seven hours and one she never met. Meg is the Community Manager for The Morning with a vision to see moms receive care as they navigate all of the joys and sorrows of life after loss. She enjoys the local restaurants, walks, and all the perks of city living with her favorite people.

  • Founder of The Morning and host of The Joyful Mourning Podcast. For over a decade Ashlee has been navigating the journey of grief and life after baby loss after experiencing a 1st trimester miscarriage and then infant loss just a few short years later. She founded The Morning to be a place that offers hope, community and resources to women grieving the loss of a baby. Ashlee and her husband live in sunny Florida with their 4 living children. She spends her days writing and creating for The Morning, homeschooling 3 big kids and wrangling a feisty 1 year old.



  • Ally Anderson, mom to twin boys, one here on earth and one in heaven. Stay at home wife and mama, attempting to lean on Jesus each day.



  • I am a Nashville native who is married to her high school sweetheart, and proudly calls herself mama to her baby Grace in heaven, and to her Siberian husky fur baby. I am a physical therapist who works in sports medicine. I am passionate about helping others and forming lasting friendships through community.



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