“Blessed be the Lord who has given rest to his people Israel, according to all that he promised. Not one word has failed of all his good promise, which he spoke by Moses his servant. 1 Kings 8:56
He keeps His promises
We can celebrate Jesus coming to earth today because of this Truth: His promises will not fail. He promised He would send a redeemer, that He would provide a way to mend what had been broken and He did. Today, Christmas day, we celebrate and worship our God who kept His promise and keeps His promises today.
His promise to crush death.
His promise to know.
His promise to always be with you.
His promise to strengthen and help.
His promise to give power and strength to the weak.
His promise to fight for you.
His promise to never leave.
His promise to make a way, even when we see none.
His promise to have compassion and to love with tenderness.
His promise to supply our every need.
His promise to hear our cry.
His promise to provide peace and to guard our hearts.
His promise to forgive, to redeem, to heal and to satisfy.
His promise to bring us out of darkness and into light.
His promise to be faithful.
His promise to intercede on your behalf, to make a way for you, bringing you from death to life.
His promise to never not be in control.
His promise to know you deeply.
His promise to give comfort and hope.
His promise to give our souls rest.
His promise to be our refuge, our strength, our very present help.
His promise to heal.
His promise to redeem and restore; to wipe away all sorrow and tears and pain and death. Forever.
the promise
He is faithful and sure, that which He has said, He will do. He keeps His promises.
Father, thank you for being a God who is faithful, a God who keeps His promises; for Your glory and our good. Thank you for Christmas.