friends & family

hope, support & community for the

of women finding joy after pregnancy & infant loss

When someone you love loses a baby, you feel helpless.

Not only are you grieving for her and with her, you often don’t know what to do or how to help.

But the best thing you can do is show up.

She isn’t expecting perfection. She isn’t expecting you to fix this. She knows you can’t.

She just needs her friends and her family to remind her that she’s loved and that it’s ok for her to grieve in the way that feels right to her. And that her baby is not forgotten.

But how do you do this? That’s where we come in.

“Thank you so much for your uplifting care to families traveling what sometimes feels like a very solitary, dark pathway.”

— Paula, 1st Trimester Loss Mom & Director of Perinatal Grief Support at her local Pregnancy Center

the year the morning was founded


women receiving hope in their inbox


stories on the joyful mourning podcast


community members grieving with hope


baby known, remembered & loved


Give the gift of comfort, hope, and support for the long haul with our

gift boxes for grieving moms

curated care packages for miscarriage, stillbirth & Infant loss

what brought you here today?

  • Thank you for being here and loving the grieving mom in your life. For how to love someone who experienced a pregnancy loss or the loss of a baby from conception through 12 weeks, click here.

  • Thank you for being here and loving the grieving mom in your life. For how to love someone who experienced a pregnancy loss or the loss of a baby between 13-28 weeks, click here.

  • Thank you for being here and loving the grieving mom in your life. For how to love someone who experienced the loss of a baby born still after 28 weeks, click here.

  • Thank you for being here and loving the grieving mom in your life. For how to love someone whose baby died in the first 28 days of life and/or was born alive before 37 weeks, click here.

  • Thank you for being here and loving someone who is walking through this unique and challenging season. For how to love someone whose baby has received a life-limiting diagnosis, click here.

  • Thank you for being here and loving the grieving mom in your life. For how to love someone who experienced the loss of a baby through age 1, click here.

  • Thank you for showing up for your loved one in this way. Here are our funeral resources. We're so grateful you're here.

a grieving friend

10 ways to love

A simple free resource that will help you know how to love a grieving mom.

this guide includes:

+ 5 of our favorite gifts for grieving moms

“The Morning has been quite inspirational for me as I started a small support group for ladies who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss in Zimbabwe, Africa. The resources have been quite helpful for myself and the ladies at large.”

— Simiso, stillbirth mom

keepsakes & gifts

that the grieving women in our community love the most

Sometimes it’s hard to know how to help. We’ve got you covered.

thank you for loving the grieving mom in your life.