Christmas Promises for Grieving Mothers

25 Christmas Promises for the Grieving Mother by The Morning: A community of hope for women finding joy after pregnancy or infant lossI started The Joyful Mourning Podcast to remind hurting, grieving mothers they aren’t alone. And there is no better time than the Christmas season to give a few extra reminders. So for the 25 days leading up to Christmas I have something special just for you. Because I know first hand how extremely difficult the holidays are for a heart that is grieving- how you are confronted with your broken reality at every turn, with every Christmas card, Christmas song, stocking hung and memory you won’t be able to make, you face a reminder of what has been lost.But there is Hope and I want to remind you of that hope this Christmas season, in the days leading up to Christmas, known as Advent...


Advent is from a Latin word that means “coming” and is the time period leading up to Christmas Day as we anticipate and prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth; His coming to earth. That moment in time when the God of the universe took on flesh. For you and for me. During Advent we celebrate the Hope we have in a Savior who came as a baby, lived a perfect life and died for us that He might provide a rescue from sin and death. We celebrate His coming as a baby and we also anticipate, we look forward to the day He will come again. The day when when He will restore all that has been broken. The day when He will wipe away every tear and death will be no more. See, Advent, the time leading up to Christmas is especially meaningful for the grieving mother for those reasons.  Jesus’ coming to earth offers us real hope for our hurting hearts. For the mother who just heard the words, there is no heartbeat, or for the mother who has left the hospital without her baby and the emptiest of arms, or for the woman longing to be a mother staring at yet another negative pregnancy test; this is for you. For the woman whose hope is shattered, whose heart needs a reminder of God’s promises.Let us spend the days of Advent together, reminding our hearts and our heads of that Hope. Let’s be reminded of the promises that God has given us. Because while your hope may feel shattered or distant or even a lie, God’s promises remain the same. When our hope is in Him, our hope is unwavering. The promises of God are as true for you today as they ever were. And I believe they have the ability to bring you much joy this Advent season. Join me for 25 days of God’s promises, a short daily promise that we can trust, a promise that is better than our definition of good. My prayer is that these daily reminders of God’s promises would bring our hearts great joy, restoring our hope and our trust in our Savior-Redeemer-King who was born to die so that we might live. I pray this podcast series blesses you and reminds you that you aren’t alone in your grief and you are more loved than you could ever imagine.25 Christmas Promises for the Grieving Mother by The Morning: A community of hope for women finding joy after pregnancy or infant loss 


December Wallpapers: Phone, Tablet, Desktop


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