Fighting Fear & Anxiety After Pregnancy or Infant Loss | Episode 021 with Meg Walker

Fighting fear & anxiety after miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss | The Joyful Mourning Podcast: A podcast for women finding hope after pregnancy or infant loss.


In Episode 021 I get to talk to Meg Walker about the anxiety, fear and depression that can be so pervasive after experiencing the loss of a baby. Meg is a former guest on the show who has become a dear friend, you can hear more of her personal story of loss in her interview in Episode 010.

In today’s episode Meg and I share honestly about what fear and anxiety looked like in our own lives after our losses. We do our best to give words of honest hope as well as practical advice for those in the midst of it. Neither Meg or myself are trained professionals in the areas of anxiety or depression, we are simply approaching this topic from a place of having been there, from knowing first hand just how debilitating and paralyzing the fear can be.

Our hope is that if you are battling fear and anxiety today that you would know you are not alone. There are resources available to help you find peace amidst your debilitating fear and I have listed a few of those below.

Resources for Fighting Fear, Anxiety & Depression

Verses Mentioned

Fighting fear & anxiety after miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss | The Joyful Mourning Podcast: A podcast for women finding hope after pregnancy or infant loss.

February Wallpapers: Phone, Tablet & Computer


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