5 Summer Activities to Do In Honor of Your Baby
We put together 5 simple summer activities that you could do in honor of your baby. Click the button below to download a free printable (in 4 colors!) to print out and hang on your fridge this summer. We hope these simple activities give you a tangible way to mother your baby in heaven and bring you joy this summer.
01. go to the beach
and write baby’s name in the sand.
02. go stargazing
and imagine all the beauty your baby sees now in heaven
03. sit outside on a warm evening
and journal some of your favorite memories with your baby
04. go to your favorite ice cream shop
and something you think your baby would have enjoyed.
05. plant flowers
as a memorial to your baby that you can enjoy and cherish all summer long
You could also buy a new indoor plant, we love these plants for their hardiness.
Tip: Ask a local nursery for which plants are the hardiest, easiest to maintain.
Click the button below to download your free Summer Joy List printable.