Trisomy 13, Hope & Help for Carrying to Term | Episode 050 with Brooke Stone


Episode 50

Listen in as I spend some time with Brooke Stone whose son Sawyer, was diagnosed with Trisomy 13. Brooke shares helpful and practical thoughts about Trisomy 13 and her experience of carrying a baby to term that had a life-limiting diagnosis.

She shares invaluable wisdom about the decisions that need to be made, how to ensure the best possible medical care, what she did to prepare for her son’s birth, what she packed in her hospital bag and even the sweet and memorable ways she celebrated him after he was born.

We talk about hard and valuable things like the value of communicating expectations to those who are walking along side you and listen to the end to hear her priceless and incredibly helpful advice for marriage in the midst of loss and grief.

Brooke is tender and kind and communicates seemingly impossible hope in our time together; to hear a mom who has walked through such loss say “God showed me His goodness and His mercy through my son’s life. I was able to enjoy things I never thought I would be able to enjoy.” is just a massive grace to those of us listening and I am so grateful.

No matter what brought you here today, I pray that you hear the hope and the grace in Brooke’s story. That you are reminded that even amidst brokenness there is joy to be had.



If you or someone you know has received a life-limiting or terminal diagnosis for your baby, please check out this resource page with information and helpful resources for navigating this season.



I am a lover of learning and changing things up! I have worked as a stylist, worked in youth ministry, and now I am getting my masters in counseling. I have a fierce passion for justice, in true enneagram 8 fashion! I have been married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, Jesse, for 10 years. I am an adoptive mama, a foster mama, and a mama to a sweet son in Heaven.

You can get to know Brooke better and follow along with Brooke's grief journey over on Instagram: @msbstone.


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