Life, Faith & Finding Hope After Loss (Costello Syndrome) | Episode 116 with Justice Kreider
Episode 116
You’re listening to The Joyful Mourning Podcast episode 116. My guest this week is Justice Kreider, a mom to three girls, one here on earth, one in heaven and one growing in her belly. During our time together Justice shares the story of her daughter Selah, She heard the words, we’re seeing some abnormalities at her 20 week anatomy scan but were given no clear answers as to what was wrong or what the prognosis would be. 7 weeks later at 27 weeks Justice would give birth to Selah who would live for 9 days. It would be another month before Justice was given any answers as to what had happened to her precious baby.
Justice shares honestly and tenderly and with the heart of a newly grieving mom having just lost her daughter within the year. We talk about what she would tell a mom who has been given news that something isn’t quite right, the mom in the waiting and the uncertainty. She talks about what surprised her about this journey, what helped her in this journey and what she would do differently if she was giving advice to another mom in a season of loss and grief.
We also talk about marriage after loss and what it’s been like to parent her living daughter Amara after loss and what pregnancy after loss has been like as well. Lastly we talk about her faith amidst this journey and it is my favorite part of this episode. When I asked her to tell me about her faith she answered with this: “I didn’t have anything to say to Him. I would sit in his presence though because I knew He was who I needed. He was the only one who would be able to help me through this.” and then in closing Justice says this: “I would never ever say I wish this never happened... because we got her.”
Justice shares in a way that is incredibly relatable and honest. Her words are truly full of hope and I am sure that you will be encouraged by her story and what she has learned along the way.
What has surprised you about this journey?
What would you say to a mom who has just gotten devastating news from a doctor?
What was it like to navigate those weeks of uncertainty, waiting for answers about Selah’s condition and if she would be ok?
What has been helpful to you as you navigated through grief this past year?
Marriage After Loss
How have you grieved differently than your husband and how have you navigated those differences?
What do you think is the most challenging aspect of navigating the marriage relationship after loss?
Parenting After Loss
You have an older daughter, Amara, what has it been like to parent her after losing Selah?
What has been the biggest challenge of parenting after loss? What advice would you give about navigating those challenges?
Pregnancy After Loss
What has your pregnancy after loss journey been like? How did you make the decision to try again?
Faith After Loss
Tell me about your faith during this season -- did you ever get angry with God? Doubt His goodness?
You wrote on your blog about being disappointed in God -- tell me more about that.
Meet Justice
I am a wife, and a stay at home mom that also works part-time shifts at a day care. I have three little girls, one on earth, one in heaven and one on the way in June 2021.
My life was forever changed in April 2020, when my second daughter was born with Costello Syndrome (rare genetic syndrome) that caused her to pass away after only 9 days of living. This is my life carrying the many joys and sorrows after loss.
Connect with Justice
Free Devotional
Finding hope after pregnancy or infant loss.
Hope-filled passages from the Bible, paired with a short daily devotional specifically written with the grieving mother in mind.