Hope & Healing as an Unmarried Grieving Mom | Episode 182 with Megan O'Neill
Episode 182
Listen in as I chat with Megan O'Neill, a mama to a baby in heaven. Megan experienced a 2nd trimester loss and shares with me the story of her baby and her journey of grief, life after loss and what it has looked like for her to find healing. Megan shares honestly about the unique challenge she experienced being an unmarried christian woman at the time of her pregnancy, how difficult that was to navigate, the shame and the guilt and how that was made even more difficult when she lost her baby at 14 weeks. She shares what she has learned from that experience, how she navigated those challenges and what wisdom and encouragement she would give to an unmarried single grieving mother who might be listening today. If that is you, I hope you know, like all of our grieving mothers, you are loved, friend and you are not alone.
Throughout our conversation Megan shares candidly about what it has looked like for her to mother her baby while her arms are empty. No matter your story, these words from Megan will encourage you, she said this:
I learned that it's most important for me to honor, love, and to celebrate my baby for myself. So, I find every opportunity to honor and love him on special days and milestones, anniversaries and holidays, and on those special days not expecting other people to do it for me. I learned that I have the choice to make it special and even if it's just in the confines of my own little space, I know that it's special."
What's something about your pregnancy or your baby, a memory that makes you smile or that feels extra special to you? Something that brings you joy in the mourning?
What do you wish others understood about a 2nd trimester loss?
What has been the most challenging aspect of your motherhood journey and navigating life after loss?
What has been helpful to you as you navigated those challenges?
What do wish christian women understood about what it was like to be pregnant as a unmarried christian woman and then to experience loss?
What unique challenges did you face navigating grief simply because you were an unmarried christian woman?
What wisdom would you give to someone who loves a single or unmarried mom who has experienced baby loss?
What has healing looked like for you?
What are practical ways you mother Baby Sea in heaven?
What aspects of your new self and life after loss feels especially hard to embrace?
What is one way you have grown or are growing in this season?
resources mentioned in episode no. 182
book recommendation
If You Only Knew
by Jamie Ivey
MEET Megan
Megan is mama to Baby Sea who went to heaven September 15, 2019. She lives in a suburb of Kansas City, loves rooting on her favorite football teams, crocheting, and enjoys being out in nature and near any body of water.
Megan’s journey to motherhood was not what she had imagined. Being an unmarried Christian woman in her 30’s, she found herself pregnant with her first child and laid off from her job in the matter of a few days, then grieving a 2nd trimester loss while navigating the job market.
She chooses to see her loss as an opportunity of redemption and restoration. It is in the loss that she truly found herself.
Megan’s story is full of grace, healing, and triumph. Her journey through healing and self-love after the loss of her baby is inspiring. As a single woman who has never been married, she is hopeful and excited for a future as a wife and mom someday.
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if you ever wondered:
+ How to make it through those big, sweet, and hard days (like birthdays, due dates, difficult anniversaries)
+ What you can do to make those days special
+ How to find tangible ways to mother your baby that aren’t cheesy
Then you’re going to love our brand new Birthday Journal, Special Days Journal & Milestones Workshop!