The Joyful Mourning Starter Kit: 20 Episodes that Will Bring You Help, Hope & Joy | Episode 200

Episode 200
200 EPISODES. What a special and incredible milestone and I’m so grateful you are here to celebrate that milestone with me. Whether this is your first time listening or you have listened to all 200+ episodes – I am so grateful you are here. Grateful that you have invited me into this journey. Honored to walk alongside you as you find joy in your mourning.
The Joyful Mourning Podcast exists to remind you that you are not alone in your grief through stories of women just like you navigating life after loss and to provide resources that will offer support as you navigate life after loss and this new normal as you move towards healing. Like I said, I am so grateful to be on this journey with you – providing the support and wisdom and encouragement that I know, as a fellow grieving mother, will bring you hope, even on the darkest days.
That’s why I’m here and that’s what this show is all about – finding hope and joy even in the mourning and reminding you that you matter. Your baby matters. Your story matters. And you are seen. And loved. And not alone.
This special milestone episode is your Joyful Mourning Starter Kit – 20 episodes that will immediately help you find joy, hope and practical help when navigating grief and life after loss. Our best and most helpful episodes because I know it can be hard and overwhelming to know where to start when there are 200 episodes. So consider this your index of most valuable episodes – giving insight, wisdom, and hope for some of the most challenging aspects of life after the loss of a baby. And while I truly believe that all of our episodes are incredibly meaningful and valuable, I have chosen 20 episodes to highlight with you here that will address those big challenges and help you get started here with us. And even if you have been listening for a while I think many of these episodes are worth revisiting or saving for the future to pass along to another grieving friend who may be facing that specific challenge.
So we went through the entire archives of 200 episodes and picked 20 of our most helpful episodes that cover those biggest challenges, from understanding grief to navigating marriage and milestones and the holidays. We also included one episode for a few different types of loss and our favorite episode for those who love a grieving friend – so no matter your story there is something here for everyone. And this Starter Kit is worth saving so you can come back to and reference whenever you might face one of these common challenges or know someone who is in the midst of one.
the starter kit: 20 Episodes
Episode 124: Finding Hope After Pregnancy Loss & Infant Loss, and Purpose in the Pain with Ashlee Proffitt & Episode 17 (What I learned in the 10 years after my son died.)
Episode 190 - 10 Things to Know About Grief After Baby Loss
Episode 191 - Simple Coping Strategies for Grief After Baby Loss
Episode 087 - Understanding Grief After the Death of a Baby with Libby Marler of The Counseling Collective
Bonus Series - Conversations with a Grieving Mom
Episode 154: Trauma, PTSD & triggers after Baby Loss with trauma specialist Lindsay Blair
Episode 8 - How to plan a funeral or memorial service for a baby
Episode 132 - Navigating Faith After Baby Loss with Kristin Hernandez
Episode 80, 113 & 117- How to Navigate Marriage or Close Relationships After Loss
Episode 80 - Navigating Marriage After Loss: 10 Years Later with Aaron & Ashlee Proffitt
Episode 113 - Navigating Marriage After Infant Loss & Life-Limiting Diagnosis’ with Lindsey Dennis
Episode 117 - Intimacy after Pregnancy or Infant Loss with Counselor Libby Marler
Episode 52 - How to Plan a Birthday
Episode 158 - How to Navigate Milestones
Episode 127: Due Dates & Milestones after Miscarriage with Alison Dalton
Episode 125: Birthdays, Due Dates, Anniversaries with Erica McAfee
Episode 138 - How to navigate the holidays as a grieving mother & Episode 101 - How to Navigate Holidays with Mary Margaret Powitz & Meg Walker
Episode 144 - Parenting Living Children with Michele Benyo, Childhood Grief Specialist
Episode 193: Q&A about Pregnancy After Loss with Meg Walker
Episode 88: Dealing with Unresolved Grief & Pregnancy After Loss with Libby Marler, The Counseling Collective
Episode 94: 10 Do's & Don'ts for Loving a Grieving Mom
Episode 136: What I Wish You Knew About Baby Loss, 30 Women Answer The Question
Episode 032: Recurrent Miscarriages & Trusting God’s Goodness when it Hurts with Sarah Sandel
Episode 019: Navigating Grief & Loss After Two 2nd Trimester Losses with Molly Stillman
Episode 133: Navigating Grief & Life After Stillbirth with Aimee Jones
Episode 128: Life-Limiting Diagnosis (Trisomy 18), Parenting Living Children, Marriage & When There is No Rainbow Baby with Kelly Griffin
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in loving memory of calvin jax cotter
We love you, Calvin! We are eagerly waiting with Calvin's family for Jesus to return, for all that is wrong to be made right, for death to die, and for the greatest reunion we will ever know. One day closer.
Love, your Citizens Church family
Thank you to Citizens Church for sponsoring this episode.
We remember Calvin Jax Cotter with you.

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