When is the right time to try to conceive again after baby loss? | Episode 193 Q&A with Ashlee Proffitt & Meg Walker

Episode 193
In this episode Meg Walker, The Morning’s Content Editor and Community Manager, and myself are answering a handful of your questions about pregnancy after baby loss. Questions like:
When is the right time to try to conceive again?
How do I practically get through a pregnancy after loss
How do I honor and remember the baby I lost?
Will I love my new baby as much as I long for my baby in heaven?
I feel guilty for having another child.
We’re discussing all of those and more in this honest conversation.
Over the next few weeks we will continue this conversation about what it looks like to grow your family after loss. We will have resources for those trying to conceive again, thinking about trying to conceive again, pregnant after loss and also for those who have either by choice or factors beyond their control made the decision to not pursue growing their family in this season. As we kick off this series I would love to share with you 3 very helpful resources:
Free Pregnancy After Loss Community – it’s a private group and conversation within our main community where you can feel the freedom to have honest conversations about the unique journey that is pregnancy after loss. themorning.com/pal
Free Download: 40 Verses for 40 Weeks - this download includes 1 verse to meditate on, pray, or memorize for every week of your pregnancy. themorning.com/pal
All of our best and most helpful blog articles and podcast episodes about growing your family after loss into one place. themorning.com/pal
in this episode
When is the right time to try to conceive again?
I’m overwhelmed by emotion - feeling so sad and excited at the same time but also feeling anger and guilt about how I’m not as excited as I was with previous pregnancies. What’s normal? How do I deal with it? (Will I ever be able to truly enjoy pregnancy again?)
What are some practical tips to help me get through pregnancy?
What are some practical tips to help me get through labor? Is labor going to be horrible if it brings back memories (my son was stillborn)? What will holding a living baby feel like?
How do I speak to medical staff and doctors about concerns and fears? How will my loss impact my body and labor and how can I prepare for that?
How do I handle decorating a nursery or having a baby shower or celebrating milestones?
How do you deal with emotions/anxiety post-birth? Will I be able to do this without depression and anxiety hitting me hard?
How do I honor and remember the child that I lost and keep her memory alive? Will I love him as much as I long for my baby girl? I feel guilty for having another child.

Meet Meg
Learn more about Meg’s story in Episode 10

free pregnancy after loss resources
+ Join our free private community
+ Download our 40 verses for 40 weeks
More on growing your family after loss