Trying to Conceive & Pregnancy After Loss | Episode 148 with Elizabeth King
Episode 148
This week on the podcast I have the pleasure of interviewing Elizabeth King – a Certified Fertility Health Coach, Birth & Bereavement Doula, New Parent Educator and Certified Life Coach.
Elizabeth is joining us this week to talk about trying to conceive after having experienced the loss of a baby, the challenges that exist when trying to conceive and how to overcome those challenges.
We talk about making the decision to try to conceive again, what it looks like if you and your spouse or partner are not on the same page about growing your family, the steps she recommends a woman who has experienced loss to take before trying to conceive again and finally what encouragement and hope would she give to a woman who is in a season of waiting.
If you are in a season of considering growing your family again, actively trying to conceive or are currently pregnant after loss this episode is going to be really helpful for you.
Talk to me about the hurdles of trying to conceive after having experienced the loss of a baby?
How do we overcome those challenges?
After a pregnancy or infant loss, what can a woman expect with how her body responds, how her hormones may change, or how her cycles change? What can she expect when she wants to TTC if things are different? When should she seek extra help from a professional?
We often get asked in our community how to decide when to try to conceive again. What would you say to a woman asking that?
What about if she and her husband/partner are not on the same page?
In your opinion what steps should a listener take who is trying to conceive after loss?
How can a couple who is TTC or pregnant after loss work to not allow their fertility to drive them apart or take the intimacy out of their relationship?
What encouragement do you have for a woman who is struggling to conceive after loss? Helpful or practical advice or tips?
Do you have any encouragement or advice for a woman waiting to be pregnant again after her loss?
What wisdom do you have about what it looks like to advocate for yourself with your medical team?
Meet Elizabeth
Elizabeth King is a Certified Fertility Health Coach, Master Certified ICF Life Coach, Birth & Bereavement Doula and New Parent Educator. Her mission is to help people of all backgrounds conceive a healthy baby and carry to term on a joyful state of mind.
After having 3 children of her own after the age of 40, Elizabeth believes taking a more holistic approach is the key to success when attempting to conceive. Now she has helped hundreds of women achieve their dreams of conception and parenthood in 20+ countries around the world. She supports clients through natural fertility, infertility, IVF, miscarriage loss, early pregnancy PTSD, and new parent support.
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A verse to meditate, think on and study for every week of your pregnancy.
Something tangible to remind you of hope and peace in moments of fear.
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