Answering Your Questions About Life After Infant Loss & Finding Hope | Episode 170 with Ashlee Proffitt
Episode 170
Season 05 is here and I am so, so grateful to be back. In this special first episode of season 05 I am joined by my husband Aaron who is taking on the role as host. In this episode he is asking me all the questions and I am answering your questions! I share about what my grief looks like now nearly 14 years later and how it has changed over the years, I talk about what it has been like for me to reconnect with my son when time has made his life feel so far away. I answer a few questions about preparing to conceive again and pregnancy after loss and even my favorite books for grief and loss. And we finish our time together with a very simple, but profound prayer that I have for you in this new season.
No matter what brought you here today, I pray this episode and this inside peek into my story is a reminder to you today that you are seen and loved and not alone.
gift for you
celebrating season 05 with this art print & verse card set.
QUESTIONS we discuss IN EPISODE No. 170
What your grief is like now, how has it changed over the years?
Do you have any tips to help you reconnect with your baby you lost when you feel so distant?
What’s the best way that you’ve found to tell new people about Aaden?
Helpful tips to prepare for trying to conceive after loss.
Book recommendations for loss and grief?
How to celebrate a new baby on the way while still grieving a child that died. For us and for my kids?
What’s your favorite aspect of running The Morning
What are your hopes and prayers for The Morning and the women in this community this year?
Resources Mentioned in Episode No. 170
Pregnancy After Loss Resources:
Episode 148 with Bereavement Doula Elizabeth King
Episode 154 with Trauma Specialist Lindsay Blair
Episode 88 with licensed counselor, Libby Marler.
Favorite Books
Suffering is Never For Nothing, Elisabeth Elliot
Holding on to Hope, Nancy Guthrie
Walking with God through Pain & Suffering, Tim Keller
Tear Soup, Pat Schwiebert
This too Shall Last, KJ Ramsey
Buried Dreams, Lindsey Dennis
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, Mark Vroegop
Sunlight in December, Kristin Hernandez
MEET Ashlee
Hello! I am so grateful you are here. I am the founder of The Morning and host of The Joyful Mourning Podcast. I pray this is a space where you find hope and joy, even in the mourning. xoxo
Instagram: @ashleeproffitt
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