15 Books on Suffering, Faith, and Pregnancy + Infant Loss
After pregnancy & infant loss life can be extremely disorienting, especially when it comes to faith. For some of us, we ask questions about faith and God for the first time, or we want to come back to a faith that we once held onto but now have done so less and less. For others, our strong faith feels completely weakened as we feel angry, devastated, aimless, and a million other things.
We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite books on faith, suffering, and baby loss for the grieving mom (and dad!) that we can’t wait to hear your thoughts on.
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop
“Where do you turn when the dark clouds of pain, suffering, and loss roll into your life? In a broken world, difficult trials can lead quickly to discouragement and despair—even for Christians. But the Bible sets forth an oft-neglected practice for dealing with such trials: lament. To lament is to turn to God in honest, desperate prayer, giving voice to the reality of our emotions—as intense and tumultuous as they may be. Ultimately, lament is an expression of faith in the God who hears our cries and responds with mercy and grace. Drawing on examples from the Bible and his own story of loss, pastor Mark Vroegop walks through steps of lament (Turn, Complain, Ask, and Trust) to show what lament is, why it is important, and how to enter into it—helping readers learn to live between the poles of God’s goodness and a hard life.” - Mark Vroegop
Holding on to Hope by Nancy Guthrie
“"The world tells us to run from suffering, to avoid it at all costs, to cry out to heaven to take it away. Few of us would choose to suffer. Yet when we know that God has allowed suffering into our lives for a purpose, instead of running from it, we can embrace it, and look around for God in it." Nancy Guthrie speaks to those who are hurting only as one who has hurt deeply herself has the credibility to do. Having lost a daughter and a son to a metabolic disorder, in Holding On to Hope, Nancy provides companionship to those walking through difficulty while also providing wisdom for the journey. With a mixture of gentle encouragement and hard-hitting truth, she invites readers to worship and thank God in the midst of their suffering, to submit to God's plan and purpose, and to trust Him in their darkest days.” - Nancy Guthrie
Suffering is Never For Nothing by Elisabeth Elliott
“Why doesn’t God do something about suffering? He has, He did, He is, and He will. Suffering and love are inexplicably linked, as God’s love for His people is evidenced in His sending Jesus to carry our sins, griefs, and sufferings on the cross, sacrificially taking what was not His on Himself so that we would not be required to carry it. He has walked the ultimate path of suffering, and He has won victory on our behalf. This truth led Elisabeth to say, “Whatever is in the cup that God is offering to me, whether it be pain and sorrow and suffering and grief along with the many more joys, I’m willing to take it because I trust Him.” Because suffering is never for nothing.” - Elisabeth Elliott
This Too Shall Last by KJ Ramsey
“Our culture treats suffering like a problem to fix, a blight to hide, or the sad start of a transformation story. We silently, secretly wither under the pressure of living as though suffering is a predicament we can avoid or annihilate by having enough faith or trying harder. When your prayers for healing haven't been answered, the fog of depression isn't lifting, your marriage is ending in divorce, or grief won't go away, it's easy to feel you've failed God or, worse, he's failed you. If God loves us, why does he allow us to hurt?” - KJ Ramsey
Walking with God Through Pain & Suffering by Tim Keller
“Timothy Keller—whose trademark style addresses both religious and secular readers—explores one of the most difficult questions in life: Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? And how do we handle it in a way that won’t destroy us, but could actually make us stronger and wiser?
Many books attempt to explain evil and suffering intellectually, while others offer mere inspirational stories. In this book, Keller attempts to unify the complex questions and experiences related to suffering. He explores the philosophical problem of suffering, then the rich biblical teaching on the subject, and finally the actual experience of dealing with suffering in the most practical terms. This will be an indispensable resource to everyone who wants to prepare themselves or others to face the inevitable prospect of pain and suffering.” - Timothy Keller
Buried Dreams: From Devastating Loss to Unimaginable Hope by Lindsey Dennis
“At 20 weeks pregnant, Lindsey R. Dennis and her husband were told the child she was carrying would not live due to a fatal diagnosis. Later, in another stunning blow, they were told the same news with her second pregnancy… Through the crushing of their hopes and dreams, they came to know the kind of resurrection hope that can rise from the grave. This experience of infant loss revealed to Dennis how sorrow and suffering are instruments in the hands of God to forge in us a greater joy and hope than one can ever know. This kind of joy can only be discovered when we walk through the deep pain of burying our most precious dreams.” - Lindsey Dennis
Every Bitter Thing is Sweet by Sara Hagerty
“In the age of fingertip access to answers and a limitless supply of ambitions, where do we find the God who was birthed in dirt and straw? Sara Hagerty found him when life stopped working for her. She found him when she was a young adult mired in spiritual busyness and when she was a new bride with doubts about whether her fledgling marriage would survive. She found him alone in the night as she cradled her longing for babies who did not come. She found him as she kissed the faces of children on another continent who had lived years without a mommy’s touch.
In Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet, Hagerty masterfully draws from the narrative of her life to craft a mosaic of a God who leans into broken stories. Here readers see a God who is present in every changing circumstance. Most significantly, they see a God who is present in every unchanging circumstance as well.” - Sara Hagerty
Grace Like Scarlett by Adriel Booker
“With vulnerability and tenderness, Adriel Booker shares intimate stories about her experiences with miscarriage to help you navigate your own grief and know you aren’t alone. She tackles complex questions about faith, suffering, and God’s will with sensitivity and clarity, devoid of religious clichés or pat answers. Ultimately, Adriel invites you to a wide-open place of grace, honesty, and genuine hope as you discover a redemption story unfolding in the shadows of your loss. She also includes practical resources for ways to help guide children through grief, advice on pregnancy after loss, and special sections for dads and loved ones.” - Adriel Booker
I Will Carry You: The Sacred Dance of Grief & Joy by Angie Smith
“Angie weaves the powerful story of losing her child with the Biblical story of Lazarus to help those who mourn find grace and peace in the sacred dance of grief and joy.” - Angie Smith
Sunlight in December by Kristin Hernandez
“After years of unexplained infertility, Kristin and her husband Chris were thrilled to discover they were expecting their first child. Their elation came crashing down when a routine anatomy scan revealed their miracle child would be born with a terminal condition. In the wake of their newborn son’s death, Kristin began to wrestle with God’s goodness and the purpose of suffering. As she and her husband walked through the loss of four more babies, Kristin discovered the unshakeable truth we can cling to when physical storms linger and all seems hopeless.
In Sunlight in December, Kristin Hernandez authentically expresses the raw emotions that come with grief and invites readers to journey with her as she wrestles with God and discovers His goodness in unexpected places. This powerful memoir dives headfirst into difficult topics such as death, doubt, and seemingly unanswered prayer, all while leaving the reader with encouragement and hope.” - Kristin Hernandez
Every Moment Holy, Volume II: Death, Grief, and Hope by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
“EVERY MOMENT HOLY, Vol. 2: Death, Grief, and Hope, is a book of liturgies for seasons of dying and grieving -- liturgies such as "A Liturgy for the Scattering of Ashes" or "A Liturgy for the Loss of a Spouse" or "A Liturgy for the Wake of a National Tragedy." These are ways of reminding us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose and eternal hopes even when, especially when, suffering and pain threaten to overwhelm us.” - Every Moment Holy
Held: 31 Biblical Reflections on God's Comfort and Care in the Sorrow of Miscarriage by Abbey Wedegworth
“Using Psalm 139, Abbey Wedgeworth walks alongside women suffering the heartbreak of miscarriage. Having experienced the sorrow of miscarriage herself, she acknowledges the isolation commonly felt and the impact that such an experience can have on faith.
The 31 biblical reflections in this beautiful and comforting book remind grieving women that God sees them, knows them, loves them, and is actively caring for them. These precious verses will show women that God can bring comfort, assurance, protection, and purpose in the very sorrow that they are experiencing.” - Abbey Wedgeworth
Mourning & Dancing by She Reads Truth & He Reads Truth
“God created us as complex creatures, capable of feeling and sensing a whole garden of emotions. Made in the image of our Creator, we can both grieve the wrongs of this world, and celebrate the sweetness of this life. This 2-week reading plan will lead us through a series of passages from Scripture that examine the seasons of mourning and dancing in the life of a believer. By immersing our hearts and minds in God’s Word, may we remember that He is present with us, He is good, and He is faithful.” - She Reads Truth
Not Alone by The Morning
“Our prayer is that over the next 30 days you will find God’s Word to be balm for your weary, grieving soul -- that you will wrestle and find hope, that you will listen and ask, and that you will find joy even amidst your mourning. Each week you’ll read verses from throughout the Bible that offer you hope and comfort, answer questions about each passage, and reflect on your own journey right now. We encourage you to allow your heart and mind to open so that you may hear words of truth and grace from the Bible, even if that’s all you can do right now. We trust and rejoice in the hope of you uncovering more and more how not alone you are - even in your grief.” - The Morning
Ours: Biblical Comfort for Men Grieving Miscarriage by Eric Schumacher
“This 31-day devotional gives biblical comfort and practical support to men processing miscarriage. The loss of a baby in the womb can leave the father reeling, as well as the mother. He may feel confused, helpless, lonely, deeply sad, or just numb.
As readers draw alongside Jesus in the pages of Luke’s Gospel, they’ll find help to process their grief and to address questions they may be too afraid to ask. There’s also lots of practical help on how to care both for themselves and for their family in the aftermath of miscarriage.” - Eric Schumacher
Goodbye to Goodbyes by Lauren Chandler (Preview Book Here)
“Jesus knew how scary it is when someone gets really sick. He knew how sad it is when someone dies. Jesus cried when his friend, Lazarus, died. But he did something at his friend’s tomb that changed everything. He showed that he came to give his friend’s life in the land that lies after our dying. In this vivid, moving and exciting retelling of the story of Lazarus, Lauren Chandler helps children understand how Jesus makes all the difference to death. Children will see that because Jesus rose from death, he has power over it and all who believe in him will also rise, just as Lazarus did.” - Lauren Chandler
The Moon is Always Round by Jonathan Gibson (Preview Book Here)
“In this beautiful, full-color illustrated book, he allows readers to eavesdrop on the conversations he had with his young son in response to his sister's death. Father and son share a simple liturgy together that reminds them that, just as the moon is always round despite its different phases, so also the goodness of God is always present throughout the different phases of life.
A section in the back of the book offers further biblical help for parents and caregivers in explaining God's goodness to children. Jonathan Gibson reminds children of all ages that God's goodness is present in the most difficult of times, even if we can't always see it.” - Jonathan Gibson
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