Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Marriage & Parenting After Baby Loss | Episode 171 with David & Kaitlyn Phipps
Episode 171
This week I am honored to be interviewing Kaitlyn and David Phipps about their parenthood journey. Listen in as they share with me about their experience of recurrent pregnancy loss – a journey that hasn’t ended with a “rainbow baby.” They are very much still in the thick of their story unfolding and I am so grateful for their willingness to share in the middle of the story.
During our time together we talk about how they navigated marriage amidst several losses, what it looked like for Kaitlyn to support David and likewise how David supported Kaitlyn – and they both share invaluable wisdom for you our listener as you navigate marriage after the loss of a baby.
We also spend time talking about what it looked like for them to parent their living children in this season of loss and grief. How they talked to them about their loss, how they explained what was happening, the challenges they faced in parenting amidst grief and how they navigated those challenges.
We finish up our time together talking about how they made the decision to try to grow their family again and again in the face of recurrent loss.
If you are navigating life after loss with a spouse or partner, trying to navigate parenting living children after loss and thinking about or actively trying to conceive again or are pregnant again after loss I think this conversation will be really helpful to you.
What do you think is the most challenging aspect of navigating the marriage relationship after loss?
How did you grieve differently and how have you navigated those differences?
What are some practical things you did in your marriage to give space for each other to grieve?
Kaitlyn - what would you tell other moms about how to care for your husband/partner in their grief?
David - what would you tell other grieving dads about grief & how to navigate it? What would you tell them about grieving within a marriage and supporting their wife/partner in their grief?
Tell me what it was like to parent your living children in your seasons of loss. How did you talk to them about what was happening?
What other challenges did/do you face in parenting after loss? How did you navigate those challenges?
How do you help your children grieve and cope?
Are there any resources that have been helpful to you in parenting after loss?
What did it look like for you to make the decision to try to grow your family again?
How did you support each other in that season?
MEET David & Kaitlyn
David and Kaitlyn met in college in 2008, and along with their two kids, Ollie and Amelia, have lived in that same little college town in Southwest VA ever since. Although they never would've thought they'd stick around post college, the rest is history! Today, they both work in college ministry, photograph weddings together, and David is a professor at the same university where they met each other. All that to say, they are most thankful that the flexibility of their unorthodox jobs allow them to spend as much time with their kids as possible!
David @dmphippsy
Kaitlyn @kaitlynphippsphoto
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