hope for grieving moms on one of the most tender days of the year following pregnancy & infant loss
mother’s day
Mother’s Day is coming…
by mary margaret powitz
Mother’s Day is coming. Can you feel it? Your bones ache and your mind wanders. You exhale anxiety and breath in worry. Can I handle it? What will it be like? What do I do? How terrible will it be this year?
During your weekly coffee with friends, someone asks, “ Oh, is that this Sunday or next? Shoot, I need to order something”. Oh, how you long to return to that place, the nonchalant, carefree attitude towards a day that to many means mimosas, brunch, handmade cards and tissue paper flowers. But you can’t.
For Mother’s Day is not a day of joy to you, but rather a day that reminds you of exactly what you’ve been missing. Whether you have no children on earth, or 15, when you lose a child, Mother’s Day is painful. All around you are smiling faces and *seemingly* happy children, mothers doting on their children who showered them with flowers and breakfasts in bed and macaroni picture frames.
And here you are, days before Mother’s Day, wondering, will anybody remember? WIll anyone celebrate my motherhood? Not just the one that they see, but the one that is only a memory, a picture, a dream?

“With resources from The Morning, I was able to honor my baby and myself with meaningful activities and reflections that were ready made. These were things I needed for healing but would not have been able to come up with on my own.”
— erika, preterm/neonatal infant Loss Mom
we know that this day can feel heavy. and confusing.
So here’s some encouragement for you.
top resources
for facing mother’s day after pregnancy & infant loss
How to Prepare for Mother's Day as a Bereaved Mother (and 10 Ways to Celebrate)
3 Truths When You Don’t Feel like a Mom This Mother’s Day
This Mother's Day We Want You to Know…
5 Ways to Love a Grieving Mom on Mother’s Day
Gift Guide for the Grieving Mom on Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Workbook & Resource Bundle

“The Mother's Day Resources made me appreciate my motherhood and understand and accept that others may not see me, but I am still Nia's mother.”
— amaris, preterm infant loss mom
Our best and favorite free resources to help you prepare for Mother’s Day after the loss of a baby
mother’s day resource bundle & workbook
15+ pages to help you create a plan for Mother’s Day that will bring you hope complete with celebration ideas, recipes, tutorials & more
common questions about mother’s day
after pregnancy & infant loss
Bereaved Mother’s Day is the first Sunday of May and is set aside to honor the unique motherhood of women who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss. Not all grieving women want to acknowledge this day but some find it healing to be seen and noticed.
Mother’s Day is a day to honor all mothers - and loss moms are no exception. This day is for you, too.
No. You can do whatever feels helpful to you. If you choose not to acknowledge this holiday this year, it doesn’t mean you never will, either. It’s okay to give yourself space in the midst of grief.
It’s your choice if attending a family gathering or brunch for moms would feel helpful or not. It’s okay to sit out this year if being around others would be too painful. But you may find it healing, and that’s okay, too! Remember - choosing to celebrate or not celebrate this holiday this year does not mean you will always celebrate or not celebrate in the future.
We get it. This part of losing a baby is so painful. No matter what feels helpful to you this year - being called a mom or not being called a mom - we hope you know that we see you, we love you, and we love your baby. Your baby’s life matters.
This article might be encouraging to you to read if this question is on your mind.
We have a bunch of ideas for you! We’ve gathered them all together in one beautiful resource bundle & workbook. Journal prompts, recipes, tutorials, and ideas for how to make a plan are all included — for free!
Click here to tell us where to send yours!
We love our gift boxes and think our Forget-Me-Not or Joyful Mourning Gift Box would be a perfect Mother’s Day gift for her!
We’ve also curated this gift guide with the grieving mom in mind. Thank you for blessing her this Mother’s Day!
What is Motherhood?
a roundtable discussion about motherhood
We gathered multiple women, each with different stories of loss share honestly about their journey of loss, grief and finding hope on The Joyful Mourning Podcast.
We pray this special series about what motherhood means to the mom who has experienced pregnancy or infant loss blesses you.
letters to the grieving mom
from women who have been there

“I love how every single download covers so much, offers so much heartfelt wisdom, supports in ways I had never considered. It's like being wrapped completely in a loving blanket that covers ALL the hurts and anxieties - some I didn't even know I had.”
— Paula, 1st Trimester Loss Mom